students digging in ruins

Anthropology Program

Explore the cultural, physical and prehistorical aspects of human beings in the Anthropology program and throughout the Archaeological and Bioarchaeological Field School. The study of anthropology can help you gain a fuller understanding of human behavior and location so you can understand and interact effectively with other cultures. 

Many students take anthropology courses as part of their program of study or take classes with an interest in anthropology to meet their general educational requirements. 

Determine Your Path

Whether you're interested in learning more about understanding people, discovering research and evidence or cultural artifacts, students who major in anthropology have variety of career choices. 

You want to attend a college that stands out from the rest. At COD, you'll discover:

  • Dedicated instructors with years of professional experience.
  • Instruction utilizing our state-of-the-art anthropology lab, equipment and resources. 
  • Affordable courses to help you achieve success without creating overwhelming debt or draining your savings account.
  • Small class sizes to ensure you receive personalized attention.

Watch a video to learn more about anthropology.

Anthropology Associate in Arts

The Anthropology, Associate in Arts degree combines courses in communication, social and behavioral sciences, humanities and other areas with anthropology elective courses. This provides students pursuing a bachelor's degree in anthropology with a two-year foundation of coursework.

Anthropology Associate in Science

The Anthropology, Associate in Science degree combines courses in communication, mathematics and social and behavioral sciences. This provide students pursuing a bachelor's degree in anthropology with a two-year foundation of coursework.

Business Anthropology

The Business Anthropology certificate is designed to increase the marketability of individuals interested in working in cross-cultural and international work environments by sharpening interpersonal and critical thinking skills. This certificate also provides a competitive advantage for students seeking placement in a four-year college for applied anthropology. 

Classes cover a range of anthropological topics including methods, business anthropology and cultural anthropology, with a focus on holism, critical thinking and problem solving. 

Every even-numbered year, the Archaeological and Bioarchaeological Field School provides students with five weeks of hands-on archaeological research experience. Contact Professor John Staeck at for more information.

COD Stories

Sharon Grimm

"My entire experience at COD helped to shape who I am as a person. I found a confidence in myself that would carry into earning a bachelor’s degree and continuing to a rewarding career in research. COD changed my life for the better, and it will change yours, too." - Sharon Grimm

Sharon's COD Story

Get Started Today

The first step to getting started in anthropology is to apply for admission.

Academic and Career Pathways give you a roadmap to achieving your career goals. Follow a pathway based on your degree that outlines which classes you need to take and when so you graduate on time or move on to the next phase in your career.

Students who complete courses in anthropology will:

  • Understand the evolutionary origins of human biocultural adaptive systems, including language.
  • Understand the past and present variation/diversity of human biocultural adaptive systems, including language.
  • Understand the past and present functions of human biocultural adaptive systems, including language.
  • Comprehend the dynamics of how human biocultural adaptive systems, including language, affect interactions between groups.
  • Understand the application of knowledge of the foregoing to their own lives and societies.

College of DuPage has several anthropology transfer agreements in place with four-year colleges and universities to save you time, money and make the transfer process easier.

Many of these agreements with other colleges and universities have specific course requirements and a pre-determined course plan that needs to be followed to be eligible to transfer. Contact a program faculty member or academic advisor to learn more as course requirements vary by institution.


Career Information

Explore careers based on your interest, location and salary range or view top occupations by income.


Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to your frequently asked questions regarding the Anthropology program.

A reading placement test is not required to enter the program or take an anthropology course. 

Anthropologists work in every segment of the world's businesses from traditional roles as teachers and researchers to serving as consultants for fortune 100 companies and national governments. A significant number of students have found their skills in demand in the fields of management, medicine and education. 

Anthropology courses at COD meet the Social and Behavioral Science requirement, Human Relations requirement and Global/Multicultural Studies requirement. These courses can be met by taking ANTHR 1100, ANTHR 1101, ANTHR 1000, ANTHR 1125 and ANTHR 1130.